Marilyn Hacker's translation of Emmanuel Moses' Preludes and Fugues was named a finalist for the 2017 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Huzzah! |
Angie Estes' Enchantee was awarded the $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Award, one of the world's most generous and prestigious poetry prizes.
Sonja James gave Pierre Peuchmaurd's The Nothing Bird a rave review. "Belli has rendered both Peuchmaurd's lyric and prose poems with such generous ease that this volume of his selected poems is indeed one of the best books of the year." |
Angie Estes' poem "Dark Spots" from Enchantee appeared on Verse Daily. |
Check out what 2012 FIELD Poetry Prize winner Mark Neely (Beasts of the Hill) has to say in this interview of him at AGNI Online. |
"Fall," a poem from Bern Mulvey's Deep Snow Country, was featured at the Missouri Review website. |
Bob Hicok's essay from the Gerald Stern symposium in the fall FIELD was featured on the Poetry Daily website. And his poem "Why We Must Support PBS," from the same issue, was featured a week earlier. |
E. C. Belli, translator of Pierre Peuchmaurd's The Nothing Bird, was interviewed in Circumference magazine. |
Beckian Fritz Goldberg's "My Neighbor's Body" (first published in FIELD #86) is featured in the 2014 edition of The Pushcart Prize anthology. |
Publisher's Weekly loves Angie Estes' Enchantee! |
Two poems from FIELD, Traci Brimhall's "Dear Thanatos" and Vijay Seshadri's "Trailing Clouds of Glory," are featured in the 2013 edition of The Best American Poetry. |