FOLDER 1: Memos/Correspondence: |
Nov. 25, 1942 |
Letter to "Pete" from "Homer" on Chemical
Warfare School letterhead |
Jan. 18, 1943 |
Notice of temporary appointment from J.A. Ulio |
Jan. 19, 1943 |
Extract of special orders from Laurence P. Dowd |
Jan. 20, 1943 |
Telegram with instructions to report to military intelligence
service language school from J.A. Ulio |
Jan. 25, 1943 |
Instructions for assignment of officers from Laurence P. Dowd |
Feb. 11, 1943 |
Memo concerning transfer of Jones to different section from Joseph
K. Dickey |
Feb. 11, 1943 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from Laurence P. Dowd |
Apr. 4, 1943 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from Laurence P. Dowd |
Jun. 14, 1943 |
Extract concerning leave of absence from Laurence P. Dowd |
Aug. 13, 1943 |
Booklet and extract concerning Jones' change in assignment from
language school to MI Service in Washington, D.C. |
Aug. 18, 1943 |
Extract concerning leave of absence from Laurence P. Dowd |
Aug. 19, 1943 |
Extract concerning orders of Col. Rasmussen from Laurence P. Dowd |
Sept. 23, 1943 |
Memo concerning revision of technical manual |
Nov. 1, 1943 |
Memo concerning date of last payment from Norman R. Cohn |
Nov. 10, 1943 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
Dec. 14, 1943 |
Memo to Col. Booth from Jones concerning fortification of Japanese
defense zones in the Central and South Pacific |
Apr. 24, 1944 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from J.F. Ruth |
May 25, 1944 |
Memo to personnel office from Truman M. Martin concerning Jones'
nomination to attend Command and General Staff School |
Sept. 1, 1944 |
Extract concerning Jones' promotion to rank of major from Julean
Arnold, Jr. |
Sept. 8, 1944 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
Dec. 16, 1944 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
Jan. 10, 1945 |
Memo concerning commendation from work on Japanese manpower from
Clayton Bissell, Russ Osmun, J.R. Lovell [2 copies] |
Jan. 31, 1945 |
Orders for temporary duty at Camp Ritchie, MD, from J.F. McGuire |
Mar. 8, 1945 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
Apr. 2, 1945 |
Memo concerning G-2/MIS Situation Lectures from Marcus S. Goldman |
May 15, 1945 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
May 24, 1945 |
Memo concerning manpower project from Willis A. Perry |
Jun. 1, 1945 |
Memo concerning G-2/MIS Situation Lectures from Marcus S. Goldman |
Jun. 8, 1945 |
Memo concerning leave of absence |
Aug. 10, 1945 |
Memo concerning G-2/MIS Situation Lectures from Marcus S. Goldman |
Aug. 25, 1945 |
Memo concerning leave of absence from W.E. Fitzgerald |
Aug. 29, 1945 |
Memo concerning change of command from J.R. Lovell |
Sept. 10, 1945 |
Memo concerning G-2/MIS Situation Lectures from Marcus S. Goldman |
Sept. 21, 1945 |
Letter from president of Case Western, W.G. Leutner, seeking release
from active duty with copy of letter from Leutner to Adjutant General |
Sept. 26, 1945 |
Memo from Jones to Deputy Chief of Staff requesting release from
active duty |
Sept. 29, 1945 |
Farewell memo from Alfred McCormack |
Oct. 1, 1945 |
Memo with routing slip from J.D.P. Chapman to Clayton Bissell
concerning casualty study |
Oct. 18, 1945 |
Memo from Jones to TAG War Dept. concerning information for release
from active duty |
Oct. 24, 1945 |
Memo concerning appreciation for service from Edward F. Witsell |
Oct. 24, 1945 |
Memo concerning appointment in Officer's Reserve Corps from John
L. Carter |
Oct. 24, 1945 |
Extract concerning release from active duty from Edward F. Witsell
[3 copies] |
Dec. 11, 1945 |
Memo concerning War Dept. Staff Citation from F.E. Cookson |
Mar. 9, 1946 |
Letter to Jones from Frances P. Bolton concerning Jones' return
to Case Western Reserve University |
Mar. 22, 1946 |
Memo concerning Army Commendation Ribbon from F.E. Cookson with
memo on the same from P.E. Peabody and with Dec. 18, 1945 circular
concerning the Army Commendation Ribbon |
Apr. 17, 1946 |
Notice concerning National Service Life Insurance policy from
F.J. Hoesch of the Veterans Administration |
Dec. 15, 1948 |
Extract of special regulations for reserve officers from Edward
F. Witsell and Omar N. Bradley |
Feb. 2, 1950 |
Memo concerning revocation of mobilization assignment from C.S.
Tyler |
Apr. 7, 1951 |
Extract of special orders for transfer from Active Reserve to
Inactive Reserve from F.A. Pesmenski |
Jul. 17, 1951 |
Extract of special orders for transfer from Inactive Reserve to
Honorary Reserve from T.J. Capka |
Jul. 20, 1951 |
Memo concerning change of reserve status to honorary reserve from
T.J. Capka with 2 copies of Jul. 17 extract |
Dec. 23, 1952 |
Memo concerning appointment as Reserve commissioned officer from
W.L. Plants |
Undated |
Written description of Jones' duties |
Undated |
Far Eastern Unit Telephone Directory |
FOLDER 2: Forms/Applications/Certificates: |
Feb. 14, 1942 |
Registration Certificate |
Oct. 27, 1942 |
Report of Physical Examination signed by Albert L. Olsen, Robert
O. Strauch, and Jerome I. Wertheimer |
Jan. 25, 1943 |
Application for National Service Life Insurance |
Jan. 25, 1943 |
Authorization for Allotment of Pay |
Jan. 28, 1943 |
War Savings Bond, Class A Pay Reservation Application |
Mar. 3, 1943 |
War Savings Bond, Class A Pay Reservation Application |
Mar. 9, 1943 |
Authorization for Allotment of Pay to Mrs. Nellie P. Jones [mother] |
Mar. 9, 1943 |
Authorization for Allotment of Pay to Mrs. Marian Ginn Jones [wife] |
Jun. 18, 1943 |
Intelligence School Certificate |
Aug. 19, 1943 |
MIS Language School Clearance Certificate signed by Claire E.
Armstrong and others |
Sept. 5, 1944 |
Blood Donor Certificate |
Dec. 12, 1944 |
Immuninzation Register signed by John C. Whitacre |
Sept. 25, 1945 |
Certificate of Appreciation from Military Intelligence Division,
War Dept., signed by Clayton Bissell |
Oct. 15, 1945 |
Officer's Pay Data Card |
Oct. 23, 1945 |
Application for Appointment and Statement of Preferences for Reserve
Officers |
Oct. 24, 1945 |
War Dept, Military Intelligence Division Clearance Slip |
Dec. 3, 1945 |
Certificate of Service/Military Record and Report of Separation
signed by H.L. Ash [with copy] |
Jan. 3, 1946 |
Notice of Classification |
Feb. 2, 1946 |
Certificate of appointment |
Mar. 17, 1948 |
Separation Qualification Record signed by H.L. Ash |
Mar. 30, 1948 |
Signed and sealed copy of Separation Qualification Record |
May 1, 1951 |
Reserve Officer's Qualification and Availability Questionnaire |
FOLDER 3: Handouts |
Syllabus for "General History of Japan" |
Syllabus for "Institutional Factors in Japanese Nationalism"
with handwritten notes |
Outline for "Militarism and Japanese Expansion" with
handwritten notes |
Outline for "Problems of the Occupation in Japan" dated
May 19, 1946 |
Outline for "Can We Democratize Japan?" dated Jan. 23,
1949 |
Outline for "Dissemination of Military Information"
with handwritten notes |
Outline for "Evaluation and Interpretation of Information"
dated May 12, 1943, with handwritten notes |
Outline for "Lecture on Essential Elements of Information" |
"Japan: Reconstruction" dated Aug. 27, 1945 |
"Japan: Comment" and "Reconstruction" dated
Aug. 28, 1945 |
"Inouye on Low Japanese Morale" |
"Talk on Japan's Inadequate Culture" and "Appeal
to Japanese Farmers" |
"Japan Proper" dated Aug. 21, 1945 |
"Characteristics of the Japanese Army" |
Bibliography |
Interrogation manual |
FOLDER 4: Class notes |
Notes on Japanese military, 7 small pages |
Draft of paper entitled "How Does G-2 Work?" |
Notes on general military information, 6 pages |
Notes on information and intelligence, 4 pages |
Notes on mapping with paper protractor, 2 pages |
Notes on Japanese military, 2 pages |
Notes on Japanese history, 2 pages |
Notes on Japanese language, 17 pages |
Filled-in maps of Australia and The East Indies, Japan and Eastern
China, and Southern Asia |
FOLDER 5: Graded Work |
Feb. 27, 1943 |
Geography exam; Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kumamoto, S/Sgt. Sakata, instructors |
Mar. 6, 1943 |
Geography exam; Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kumamoto, S/Sgt. Sakata, instructors |
Mar. 13, 1943 |
Geography exam; Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kumamoto, S/Sgt. Sakata, instructors |
Mar. 27, 1943 |
Geography final exam; Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kumamoto, S/Sgt. Sakata,
instructors |
Undated |
Geography exam; Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kumamoto, S/Sgt. Sakata, instructors |
Apr. 10, 1943 |
Heigo exam; Mr. Oshida, instructor |
Apr. 10, 1943 |
Heigo exam; T/Sgt. Nishida, instructor |
Apr. 10, 1943 |
Heigo exam; Mr. Nagase, instructor |
May 7, 1943 |
Heigo final exam; Mr. Tanimoto, instructor |
5 graded translations dated May 17 & 18, 1943 |
FOLDER 6-Articles/Newspaper Clippings |
"Americans Return From Jap Prison Camps," LIFE Vol.
13, No. 10 (Sept. 7, 1942) |
George Barker, "The Improbable Empire: Imperial Tohoku University,"
The New Yorker (Jul. 11, 1942) |
"General Marshall's Report," reprinted from ARMY TIMES
(1943) |
"Home is Lonesome World to This Pacific War Vet," The
News (Feb. 16, 1945) |
Walter Lippmann, "Today and Tomorrow: MacArthur in Japan,"
The Washington Post (Sept. 15, 1945) |
William McDougall, "Liberated War Writer Feels Just Like
Rip Van Winkle" |
Orville Prescott, "Books of the Times: Japanese Militarism:
Its Cause and Its Cure" The New York Times (May 18, 1945) |
Orville Prescott, "Books of the Times: Through Japanese Eyes"
The New York Times (Apr. 18, 1945) |
Ernie Pyle, "Heart of Pacific War," The Washington News
(Feb. 22, 1945) |
Ernie Pyle, "Japs Are Dangerous," The Washington News
(Feb. 24, 1945) |
"Our Japanese Policy," The Star (Sept. 14, 1945) |
Don Starr, "M'Arthur Calls Beaten Japan 4th Rate Nation,"
The Washington Post (Sept. 12, 1945) |
"Text of the Report of General Marshall," The New York
Times (Oct. 10, 1945) |
"U.S. Bares Exploits of Nisei in Pacific," The New York
Times (Oct. 14, 1945) |
Sgt. Jack Vincent, "Onomatopeic War Words," The New
York Times Magazine (Jul. 29, 1945) |
"White House Statement on Initial Post-War Policy in Japan,"
The New York Tribune (Sept. 23, 1945) |
Francis Sill Wickware, "The Japanese Language," LIFE |
FOLDER 7: Miscellaneous: |
5 photographs of French liberation at Toulon and Marseilles |
Typed copy of Whiffenpoofs song |
Print of unknown drawing |
Print of Daumier's Advice to a Young Artist |