Before we begin our adventure through Oberlin’s commercial history, I want to tell you about the Historic Preservation Commission’s 1998 inventory project that was the basis of my research. As defined by legislative directive, it is the responsibility of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office to standardize and maintain a survey of historic sites in the state of Ohio.
My job for the Historic Preservation Commission was to complete one of the forms you see here for each of the 32 buildings that comprise Oberlin’s historic downtown business district. The forms contain detailed descriptive information such as acreage, number and placement of chimneys, feet of road frontage and window types. Item #42 is a narrative description of the building and its alterations; and #43 is a history and statement of the subject’s significance. Each of these two items generally runs a page or two longer than the form has room for and is placed on attached pages. Upon completion of the project copies of the forms will be on file at City Hall where you will be able to review them.
